Jo Scorah
Jo Scorah's work concentrates on issues of the inner self. Wrapping, binding, encasing and hanging. Frequently in states of disarray 'verging on collapse', they become sculptural interventions that are centred on the body, embracing a sense of nomadism.
Finding their way into large and small scale installations that tell a story of migration, exile and self protection. Drawing is the primary source, three dimensional lines and freehand expression are evident within the work. Cloth is often painted and manipulated through processes such as print and embroidery.Metals such as aluminium and copper engage with a 'tough outer skin'. Fine Art painting integrates textiles which embue the emotional content of transition .Recent work has focused on painting, with oils on canvas. Jo is currently working on a textile project for The Manchester Jewish Museum which will be incorporated into the 2021 Manchester International Festival.